Hey Jackie. Thank you for your kind message. What you are saying is true. The Israeli government has in fact made it public that they are resorting to violent means in this conflict. What I was trying to do was to separate the people from the government powers, because I believe those are two completely different things. The Israeli government has destroyed countless Churches and Mosques, and they are massacring thousands of Palestinians for there own selfish reasons. But the people that I’ve seen supporting Israel aren’t necessarily advocating for violence which what I was getting at. The intentions of Israels government and Hamas are a different topic that I was not addressing to. I just wanted to highlight how the people in both sides from what I have seen generally do not want bloodshed, rather they both want a peaceful resolution which was what I was getting at, in how they can unite forces for a better future.
In regards to you recommending me to check out Apartheid South Africa and how they were dealt with, I well for sure check that out!