5 Reasons why you should study Political Science in College.

Mahan Nourian
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Political Science is one of the most prestigious majors that you can take in college. If you are passionate about shaping society, and making a difference, studying Political Science opens doors that allow you to do just that.

Here are 5 reasons why you should study Political Science:

1. Understanding Government and Politics:

No matter where you are, and who you are in the world, politics well effect your life in one way or another.

Studying Political Science well help you understand and learn deep insights into how governments operate, the processes behind policy-making, and the impact of political decisions on society.

This knowledge is essential for becoming an informed citizen and it can also help you understand current events and the functioning of your own government and others around the world.

2. Developing Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:

Studying Political Science hones in and helps you grow your ability to think critically, and to analyze complex issues.

It also helps your abilities to understand different perspectives, and too take in different point of views, and why someone would think a certain way about a topic.

These skills are valuable not only in politics but in many other fields, such as law, business, journalism, and public administration.

3. Career Opportunities:

Having a degree in Political Science opens up a wide range of career paths.

Graduates can pursue careers in government, international organizations, non-profits, academia, political consulting, journalism, and more.

You can also pursue Law school with a Political Science degree, which opens doors for you to becoming a lawyer, and other career paths that could use the skills and knowledges gained from Political Science like previously mentioned.

4. Engaging with Important Issues:

Political Science allows you to engage with some of the most pressing and controversial issues of our time.

Examples of this are human rights, environmental policy, international relations, and social justice, and also current events like the Hamas vs Israel conflict going on right now.

This engagement can be both intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling, as you contribute to discussions and solutions for real-world problems, and try to understand and come up with solutions to these important and crucial topics.

5. Preparation for Law school and other Advanced Studies:

If you’re considering further education, such as previously mentioned law school, a master’s in public policy, or a Ph.D. in political science, an undergraduate degree in Political Science provides a strong foundation for these studies.

For Law school in particular, political science is the most common major you can have before going to Law school, and if you plan on having a career path that requires to go to Law school, then Political Science degree would be a great first step.

Additionally, the rigorous analytical and writing skills developed during your studies will be beneficial in any advanced academic or professional pursuit, and can help you in practically in every other field of work in one way or another.

Thank You for reading this article. It took me a lot of time to research different topics about Political Science and why you should study it in college if you are interested in any thing I said previously.

Here is a link to YouTube video that dives deeper on this topic if you are interested:


Thank You for your time,

Mahan Nourian



Mahan Nourian

A Young Man just trying his best to share his opinions and voice to the world❤️.